1 min read

Dark chocolate is good for you

In more good eating news, a recent finding has determined that dark chocolate is good for the heart. Again, like beer and coffee, moderation is the key, but again, it’s that ‘daily’ mention that I like! ”Only a small daily treat of dark chocolate may substantially increase the amount of antioxidant intake and beneficially affect vascular health,” the report’s authors said. … The group, who were asked to abstain from eating foods rich in antioxidants for 24 hours, were given 40 grams of chocolate to eat. … After two hours, ultrasound scans revealed that dark chocolate - made up of 74 per cent cocoa solids - significantly improved the smoothness of arterial flow, an effect which lasted eight hours. When the experiment was repeated with white chocolate - with only four-per-cent cocoa - there was no effect, the study published in Heart medical journal said. The researchers, who said further studies were needed, suggested that the possible benefits arose from the antioxidants in dark chocolate. Dark chocolate contains more antioxidants per gram than other food and drink with the same properties, such as red wine, tea and berry fruits.”