1 min read

HOWTO get Typo themes to work with Trunk

I wrote to the mailing list last week to inquire about what themes work with Typo trunk. After a response I found that a fix had already been posted out there in the Internetland. So, mad props and shout outs go to Piers Cawley for posting the solution to getting all the great themes from the Typo themes contest to work with Typo Trunk (most themes are br0k3d due to some basic changes in Typo’s API). Piers writes, ”If you’ve still got problems porting an old theme, it’s probably because your theme renders sidebars ‘wrong’. Check in your themes//layouts/default.rhtml and look for the line that looks like:

<%= render_component(:controller => ‘sidebars/sidebar’, :action=>'display_plugins') %>

and replace it with:

<code><%= render_sidebars %></code>

If that doesn’t fix things, his next solution is, ”The other big change in the way themes are rendered (and again, its’ sidebar related) is in the section of the layout. Here’s what the default theme header looks like nowadays:

<%=h page_title %> <%= page_header %> <%= stylesheet_link_tag "/stylesheets/theme/azure", :media => 'all' %> <%= stylesheet_link_tag "/stylesheets/user-styles", :media => 'all' %> <%= stylesheet_link_tag "/stylesheets/theme/print", :media => 'print' %> “_You should change yours to look similar (you pretty much must include that <%= page_header %> part_” > >