1 min read

Tokyo Police Club

Tokyo Police Club hail from Toronto, land of indie favs the New Pornographers and Broken Social Scene, among others. I just grabbed their debut EP, A Lesson In Crime, and it’s fantastic. Think of some of the manic efforts of Brianiac, but with a more reined in feel, ala The Strokes. With their back and forth they sometimes sound like We Versus The Shark, but it’s a more focused song structure. Generally a debut EP will be hit or miss, hinting at a good long player, but chuck that thought out the window, this one is perfect. Trotting along, there are no clunkers in the bunch, with only the last song threating to fall into the mediocrity category only to be completely saved by the rocking breakout at the end, leaving you wanting more. This is really great stuff, check the first two tracks below, including the single Nature of The Experiment to get a feel for them.

Cheer it on


Nature of the Experiment
